Free Zephryhills Water

I went to Winn Dixie late Tuesday night with every intention of buying two more bags of granola, but someone beat me to it and bought the remaining 10 bags, oh well. But I didn't leave the store empty handed. While I was checking prices I noticed that the Zephryhills Sparkling Water was on sale 2 for $1.00. Unfortunately the $1.00 off two (2) manufacterer coupon I had expired on Sunday, but fortunately there were coupons on the bottle. The coupon on the bottle was $1.00 off when you buy two (2), which makes the water FREE!!!!!!!!!!!! I bought 24 bottles. I was in heaven. No shelf clearing happened, due to the fact that it was an in store advertised price, I think! I wish I had found out earlier, but that how it goes sometimes.

Regular Price: $.99 each
Sale Price: $.50 each

This what I would have paid regular price w/o coupons = $23.76 ouch!!!
Total with sales price, but w/o coupons: $12.00
Total  with sales price w/ coupons: $.0 = FREE!!!

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